Message from the Nutrition Education Team
As the LVUL WIC Nutrition team we are very passionate about health, wellness and hospitality. Nutrition and physical activity are equally important part of a well-rounded, healthy and balanced life. Nutrition is vital for a good quality of life. Think of the saying “you are what you eat”, everything we consume fuels our body. We want to assist our families to eat better and live a healthier lifestyle. Our objective is to inform our families with creditable nutrition information that will lead to a change in their eating behaviors with the goal of ultimately contributing to the quality of life and reduce the rates of obesity and chronic diseases.
We are intensely passionate about long term health and preventing chronic diseases. The number one cause of death in America amongst men and women is Heart disease, while there are certain hereditary factors outside of our control, there are many factors that we, as individuals can control; such as, smoking, physical activity and the foods we consume. We provide you with nutrition education as well as other resources you may need for a healthier lifestyle. We are passionately dedicated in addressing and reducing obesity in the families we serve. According to the Center for Disease Control, Obesity affects 1 in 5 children in the United States. “Many obese children become obese adults, especially if one or both parents are obese. According to the Mayo Clinic, Childhood obesity can also lead to poor self-esteem and depression. Our team are highly trained in the intervention and early detection to prevent childhood obesity by providing nutrition education and healthy food packages.

Here at LVUL WIC, we understand everyone has different needs and passionately address different nutritional options within the different stages of life. We also address various health concerns you may have such as obesity, Gestational Diabetes mellitus, Preeclampsia, Hypertension just to name a few. In order to facilitate a warm and delightful counseling secession, we follow “PCS-Participant Centered Services”. A counseling model which utilizes science/evidence-based care plans to help you and your family achieve a healthier lifestyle. We also have Participant Centered Interactive Nutrition Education Classes that address different nutrition topics that can answer any question you may have during your visit.
Our team’s motto is “Be Proactive, not reactive”. We stay proactive by providing nutrition counseling to prenatal women, post-partum women, infants and children. We are also hospitality driven therefore we treat you the way we want our family members treated, with respect and dignity! Please feel free to share any concerns you have with us. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your family. If you may have any questions about what food or beverages would be best before or after pregnancy, feel free to send us an email at: .
“Let thy food be thy medicine” -Hippocrates